Ashley Austin Morris
I have to go by Ashley Austin Morris because when I joined SAG there was already an Ashley Morris… Austin is not my real middle name. My real middle name is Sue… Yep. Austin is a city I lived in for a random year it was really fun… I remember nothing. When I was born I was a baby… I have never been on Law and Order. I perform stand up comedy but my ultimate dream is to remake the show mammas family. I’ve done 3 fried chicken commercials. Why? No idea, I guess my classiness is just evident to all. If you would like to see the real resume I’m sure it’s on here as the person who built this is much smarter then I, but basically it’s just a bunch of TV shows and plays and special skills that hopefully prove my worth. Bla bla bla. Here’s the deal… I think it’s strange to be a human, not that I’ve ever been a dolphin or anything, hey maybe its weird to be a dolphin I don’t know, but human?! Weird. For sure! I try to laugh at it and hope you will too! I like long walks in dangerous neighborhoods and traveling to nearby bodegas.